
Do you have comments or questions? Here’s how to get in touch with me:

  1. Lauren,

    The time has arrived! WRiTE CLUB has been going strong for the last 19 weeks and has finally reached the point where only two finalist remain. Time for you to choose. If you’ll send an email to dlh(dot)hammons(at)gmail(dot)com, I’ll send you both of the 500 word writing samples and to select from.

    I would like to announce the winner on December 10th, so please get back to me quickly.

    Once again…thank you for doing this for me! The WRiTE CLUB is anxious to see your choice. 🙂


  2. Dear Lauren,
    Congratulations! This is a good career move for you and I’m sure cuts down your commute time!
    Your advice about building our Author Marketing 101 platform was great and Morgan and I are thrilled with the response. Please consider doing a guest blog post for our Finer Points Friday topics. And, of course, feel free to direct your authors to our site for when they are creating their initial marketing plan and author persona.

    I tried to submit this as a direct contact, instead of as a comment, but the above form doesn’t seem to work. My apologies if it did and this is a duplicate.
    Terri Patrick

  3. Dear Lauren,
    OH NO, oh no, oh no! I spelled your name wrong. PLEASE don’t hold that against the rest of the message.
    Mea culpa, mea culpa.
    With utmost sincerety,
    Joann Brosnan

  4. Dear Lauren,
    Your information regarding how to best format/submit a query (plain text etc..) was fantastic. Now I am left wondering if that is the best way to also paste a tasty 10 pages of the novel. The novel (which I work on in a Scrivener program) looks a little like road kill when it’s pasted to an email. Is there a way to avoid this?
    Thank you for being so supportive of authors. It makes me so hopeful to work with an agent some day!
    So many thanks,

  5. Hi Lauren, As I’m getting ready to query (she shakes violently in her seat), I have a format question 101. When I paste my query and or pages of manuscript to the email it looses it’s shape. Is there away around this? I use an Apple? I hate to get rejected for form, getting rejected for content seems way more noble. Thanks! And thanks so much for putting what you are looking for on the BookEnds site! Happy New Year, hope it’s query nice!

  6. Hi Lauren,
    I just wanted to thank you for your fabulous blog. It is informative, creative and really visually lovely! As a writer who one day hopes to work with an agent, it is fantastic to have access to how agents think and what they think about! Love the queries and links! Thanks a lot!

  7. Oops, I was trying to email you for an interview, not comment. The form submitted as I tried to create a hard return. – Cherlyn

  8. Perp St.Remy Asiegbu

    Just posted a comment to you now. So sorry, I made a mistake, the word ‘telling’, should be ‘selling’. Thanks

  9. Having settled down from the Merchant Marine to write, I now have mucho mas material — which I hope to entice you into wanting…

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